Saturday, July 21, 2018

How do I answer my toddler's questions about genitals?

Genitals- "Private Parts"

As children who grow up with Caribeean parents, talking about anything remotley resembling sex or genitals was a "no no" for our parents.

No need to worry. Keep it short and sweet, and your toddler will follow your lead. As parents, we can get anxious when children ask about anything that sounds remotely related to sex. But children's curiosity about genitals is no different than their questions about eyes, ears, feet, noses, and other less private parts. And genitals are pretty interesting, as body parts go.

Their questions are only natural — after all, they have to learn about private parts from someone, and it's best for that someone to be you.

How should you respond?

Be direct, and stay matter-of-fact. Follow the rule of thumb: "Is this how I would tell my child about elbows or knees?" Give kids the anatomically correct name for the body part ("vagina," "penis") and avoid "the baby talk". As caribbean parents we grew up hearing "pet" names for or gentials and some very vulgar to mention. Using funny or silly words will just confuse them and, if anything, make the discussion a bigger deal.

If they ask what the genitals are for, you can say that they're for going to the bathroom. If you feel comfortable mentioning that they're also used for making babies, that's okay, too. Toddlers have no understanding of sex and won't make that connection.

Young children may also ask why Daddy's or their brother's or sister's genitals are different from theirs. Point out that each person is unique: Your eyes are blue while Uncle Michael's are brown, and Grandma's nose is smaller than Grandpa's. In the same vein, boys' private parts look different from girls'.

Keep it simple and straightforward. This paves the way for future honest conversations about our bodies and yes — eventually — sex. If you don't act embarrassed, your child will get the message that it's normal to ask questions and talk about every part of our bodies and how we function.


Unknown said...

I have a young son who is always questions questions of this nature so this article is quite helpful

Jadmani said...

Anjanie Soom, thank you for your comment.
We try to touch on all topics concerning children.
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CM said...

Very helpful !

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